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Tag: ray

Ray has weird time consuming

I have a tiny Ray pipeline like this: I using time.sleep() for fake time consuming. As you can see, the HandDetector should running in a sub process, so the whole time should be 6s. But I got (you can have a try on your computer): Why there are 0.4s time more? Answer It looks like you posted the same question

my python Ray script runs on a single worker only

I am a new with Ray and after have read he documentation, I came up with a script that mimics what I want to do further with Ray. Here is my script: My problem is that when I run this script it runs on a single worker as indicated by the Ray output whereas I would expect 4 workers to

Store objects between remote functions in Ray

I’m writing a project which writes using the same data a ton of times, and I have been using ray to scale this up in a cluster setting, however the files are too large to send back and forth/save on the ray object store all the time. Is there a way to save the python objects on the local nodes
