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Tag: pytorch

How do I convert a Pandas dataframe to a PyTorch tensor?

How do I train a simple neural network with PyTorch on a pandas dataframe df? The column df[“Target”] is the target (e.g. labels) of the network. This doesn’t work: Answer I’m referring to the question in the title as you haven’t really specified anything else in the text, so just converting the DataFrame into a PyTorch tensor. Without information about

Is there an efficient way to create a random bit mask in Pytorch?

I want to have a random bit mask that has some specified percent of 0s. The function I devised is: To illustrate: The main issue I have with this method is it requires the rate to divide the shape. I want a function that accepts an arbitrary decimal and gives approximately rate percent of 0s in the bitmask. Furthermore, I

Pytorch softmax: What dimension to use?

The function torch.nn.functional.softmax takes two parameters: input and dim. According to its documentation, the softmax operation is applied to all slices of input along the specified dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range (0, 1) and sum to 1. Let input be: Suppose I want the following, so that every entry in that array

What does .contiguous() do in PyTorch?

What does x.contiguous() do for a tensor x? Answer There are a few operations on Tensors in PyTorch that do not change the contents of a tensor, but change the way the data is organized. These operations include: narrow(), view(), expand() and transpose() For example: when you call transpose(), PyTorch doesn’t generate a new tensor with a new layout, it

Why do we need to call zero_grad() in PyTorch?

Why does zero_grad() need to be called during training? Answer In PyTorch, for every mini-batch during the training phase, we typically want to explicitly set the gradients to zero before starting to do backpropragation (i.e., updating the Weights and biases) because PyTorch accumulates the gradients on subsequent backward passes. This accumulating behaviour is convenient while training RNNs or when we

NumPy/PyTorch extract subsets of images

In Numpy, given a stack of large images A of size(N,hl,wl), and coordinates x of size(N) and y of size(N) I want to get smaller images of size (N,16,16) In a for loop it would look like this: But can I do this just with indexing? Bonus question: Will this indexing also work in pytorch? If not how can I

PyTorch Linear layer input dimension mismatch

Im getting this error when passing the input data to the Linear (Fully Connected Layer) in PyTorch: I fully understand the problem since the input data has a shape (N,C,H,W) (from a Convolutional+MaxPool layer) where: N: Data Samples C: Channels of the data H,W: Height and Width Nevertheless I was expecting PyTorch to do the “reshaping” of the data form:
