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Tag: python

Selecting rows based on condition in python pandas

I have a data-frame with columns as [‘ID’,’Title’,’Category’,’Company’,’Field’] and it has both blank values and at some places missing values are put as N/A. I have to pick the row which has maximum information available. For example one case could be. In this case i want to select the row number 2 as it has maximum information available. I tried

Difference between wkt and str

I have a shapely Polygon. What is the difference between converting it to wkt and converting it to string: Is the result always the same? And can these two be used interchangeably? Answer They are the same. Looking at the source code BaseGeometry.__str__() method returns self.wkt. So with P.wkt or str(P) you get the same Well Known Text (WKT) representation.

Data Frame to CSV

I am currently trying to export my data frame into a csv. The basis of the code is to run a list of tickers through yahoo_fin and get options data. The code works, and I retrieve info for every ticker, however, when I assign the stocks a data frame to export into csv form, the csv only opens with the

TKinter – buttons not in a row?

i try to bring those 2 buttons i a line under the dropboxes – But as you can see in the picture – the button are not in the same line. This is part of my code where i am setting the grid for the output: Any ideas why this is not working as expected? Answer In order to match

unit testing with pytest parametrize

I have the following test code: This is not my real test this is just a minimal reproduce example. I need to parameterised only the input which is checked against the same code. For some reason this doesn’t work I always get: How can I fix it? Answer You can’t use @pytest.mark.parametrize on unittest.TestCase methods. PyTest has no way to
