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Tag: python

python selenium cannot locate clickable play button on mobile version of webpage

I am having a hard time locating the play element on a mobile version of a webpage (my python script is passing a mobile user-agent in the header.) the website url is below (NOTE: must be accessed with a mobile user-agent else it won’t show the correct page and reverts to standard browser page instead) Using inspect in the

PySpark udf returns null when function works in Pandas dataframe

I’m trying to create a user-defined function that takes a cumulative sum of an array and compares the value to another column. Here is a reproducible example: In Pandas, this is the output: In Spark using temp_sdf.withColumn(‘len’, test_function_udf(‘x_ary’, ‘y’)), all of len ends up being null. Would anyone know why this is the case? Also, replacing cumsum_array = np.cumsum(np.flip(x_ary)) fails

How do you change the default window size of windows-curses?

When I initialize a window in curses with something like it always seems to have a default resolution of 120×30 characters that you can’t change the resolution beyond. How do you create a window with a resolution beyond this, or change the current window to a higher resolution? I’m trying to make a fullscreen (bordered) window, but it doesn’t seem

Wheel Incompatibility between Python Minor Versions

I’m releasing a package on PyPi which will support Python 3.6+, and would like to build as few wheels as possible. I’ve read up on Python’s packaging system for wheels and looked at the NumPy project for an example. Reading PEP 513 and PEP 571 was also insightful. Here’s the question: why are wheels forwards-incompatible with Python minor version changes?

Extract two div tags in one BS find_all

Is it possible to extract two HTML div tags in one “soup.find_all” with beautifulSoup? The divs are repeatedly called “event odd”, “event even” and i want to loop through them all webpage code: My code: concerts = soup.find_all([‘div’, {‘class’: ‘event odd’}, {‘class’: ‘event even’}]) Answer You can use Bitto Bennichan’s suggestion of using {‘class’: ‘event’}. Or, if you must specify

How to subtract date and time in Pandas?

I have data from Pandas which was the contents of a CSV file: I aim to convert the column Date from timestamps to time periods in units of minutes, which should result in something like the following: Answer You can use subtract the first timestampe to calculate the difference, then get total_seconds() and convert to minutes: Output:
