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Tag: python-re

removing URL from string using python’s re

Using this to try to remove URLs from a string: Unfortunately it works for simple URLs but not for complex ones. So something like will be removed but something like etc. will just leave trailing bits behind. I think I’m at the limits of my re knowledge so any help will be much appreciated. Thx. Answer Try: r”https?:[^s]+”

Remove unicode encoded emojis from Twitter tweet

For a data science project I am tasked with the cleanup of our twitter data. The tweets contain unicode encoded emojis (and other stuff) in the form of ud83dudcf8 (camera emoji) or ud83cuddebud83cuddf7 (french flag) for example. I am using the python-package “re” and so far I was successful in removing “simple” unicodes like u201c (double quotation mark) with something

How to read all csv files from web page in a pandas data frame?

I’m trying to read all .csv files from to a data frame. My code so far: Maybe somebody can help :D Answer Change the URL to and it should work. This gives you access to the raw csv file and not to a page the csv is on. Edit: Just noticed that you need your old url to get

How to module on python

In a part of my program, I have to check an email entered and I want to make it so any domain name can work for the checker, current code as below; Currently, this will work for any email in for but as some emails are in the form so how can I can make ’emailFormat’ valid for

Question on regex not performing as expected

I am trying to change the suffixes of companies such that they are all in a common pattern such as Limited, Limiteed all to LTD. Here is my code: I’m trying ‘ABC CORPORATN’ and it’s not converting it to CORP. I can’t see what the issue is. Any help would be great. Edit: I have tried the other endings that

groupdict in regex

I have the following string: I wrote a regex for this which will find the first-name and last-name of user: Result: Sometimes, I don’t get the last name. At that time, my regex fails. Can any one have any idea regarding this? Answer You may use See the regex demo Regex details ^ – start of string (?:(?:M(?:(?:is|r)?s|r)|[JS]r).?s+)? – an
