I’m writing a little server that uses protocol buffer to encode some data. TCP Socket is opened between Android Client and Python Server Android Client sends string for processing as normal newline delimited utf-8. Python Server does some processing to generate a response, which gives an Array of Int Arrays: [[int]]. This is encoded in the protocol buffer file: It
Tag: protocol-buffers
Python grpc protobuf stubs generation issue: –grpc_out: protoc-gen-grpc: Plugin failed with status code 1
As the question says, I compiled grpc from source and also did sudo pip install grpcio, however, the which grpc_python_plugin doesn’t return anything. This is a problem because the grpc python example for route_guide requires me to run protoc -I . –python_out=. –grpc_out=. –plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=’which grpc_python_plugin’ ./route_guide.proto in order to generate the python stubs. Since, which grpc_python_plugin doesn’t return anything, I