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Tag: postgresql

Track to database, artifacts to specific destination

I am running mlflow ui and PostgreSQL db in docker compose. Mlflow UI container runs like this: mlflow ui –backend-store-uri “postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:passw0rd@database:5432/postgres” –host Then I run my models locally from jupyter, e.g. Everything works fine – experiments get logged into PostgreSQL and mlflow UI can read it from PostgreSQL . One thing that bothers me is that artifacts are stored

django.db.utils.DataError: value too long for type character varying(30). I am getting this error while migrating on heroku postgresql

The errors I am getting while migrating on PostgreSQL Heroku. Note: It is working fine on the local server. there is no column with 30 lengths even tried migrating after deleting all data and still getting the same error. This is the model of the project Answer I just deleted the junk file inside the migrations>pycache

Inserting data into psql database with high performance

Assume, I have a Python program, and I have an Offer object Offer(title=’title1′, category=’cat1′, regions=[‘reg1’]). I want to add this Offer into psql db, with minimal number of queries (performance). Inserts of new regions and categories are rare (number of regions and categories is limited (and are unique), but number of offers is unlimited). Basically Regions and Categories can be

How can I cast a DateField() + TimeField() to local time in a Django QuerySet?

My model as these fields: date = models.DateField() start_time = models.TimeField() end_time = models.TimeField() I would like to annotate the queryset with start_datetime and end_datetime, like so: However, the output field in the query results in a naive datetime: I would like the dates to be localized within the query. I tried wrapping the above expressions in django.db.models.functions.Cast(), with output_field=DateTimeField(),

How to Update in sqlalchemy using objects?

I have a student table in postgres with the following columns Studentid | Student_name | Student_division I am using sql alchemy and have modeled it as How to update? This doesnt work. Answer you need to commit the changes and remove the session.add(x) just keep session.commit()
