This seems like a simple question, but I couldn’t find it asked before (this and this are close but the answers aren’t great). The question is: if I want to search for a value somewhere in my df (I don’t know which column it’s in) and return all rows with a match. What’s the most Pandaic way to do it?
Tag: pandas
pandas.concat two data frames (one with and one without headers)
I have two data frames, that I am trying to combine. A json file with headers: And an Excel file with data in the same format, but without headers: I am trying to achieve the data frame below: My code: Problem: When I run my code, the combined data frame looks like this: I have tried the concat function with
display pandas dataframe with european formatting
I found answers on the question on how to load csv files with european formatting into pandas dataframes and display them in the US format (2,345.21). However how can I display floats saved in the US format in the european format (2.345,21) in pandas. I tried to just change dot and commas here: from to but this doesn’t work. Another
Plotting Pandas DataFrame from pivot
I am trying to plot a line graph comparing the Murder Rates of particular States through the years 1960-1962 using Pandas in a Jupyter Notebook. A little context about where I am now, and how I arrived here: I’m using a crime csv file, which looks like this: I’m only interested in 3 columns for the time being: State, Year,
unicode argument expected, got ‘str’
I’m using python 2.7.12. Running pd.__version__ returns u’0.19.0′. I’m using a module called dalmatian. For one of the functions, once I run verbatim what is provided in the documentation, I get the error: wm.update_participant_set(‘all_participants’, participant_df.index) TypeError: unicode argument expected, got ‘str’ I have an inkling suspicion that this might be due to the version of pandas or python that I’m
Boxplot with pandas
this is how looks like my dataframe: And I would like to show a Boxplot with Pandas using the AVG and the STD columns (average and standard deviation), and I don’t know how can start. For instance, I would like to compare the four methods for PART = 1, J = 3 and P = 50 through a boxplot to
Python – Get Last Element after str.split()
I use pandas and I have data and the data look like this Then I split it based on ‘space’ using str.split() So the data will look like this in DataFrame How to take the StudentID for every students only and save it in new column? Answer Use a list comprehension to take the last element of each of the
Making a clustered bar chart
I have a little pandas dataframe that looks like this: Words (50) and the two columns with figures corresponding to every one of them signifying the incidence of the word. How do I make a clustered chart to show the comparison of the two figures for each word? I have tried virtually every piece of code that was offered to
Why the type of pd.DataFrame every items is float, but the dtype of pd.DataFrame is object?
results_table is a pd.DataFrame When I it return Every items is float But when I it returns Why is there such behavior? Answer First note df.loc[0, x] only considers the value in row label 0 and column label x, not your entire dataframe. Now let’s consider an example: As you can see, an object dtype series can hold arbitrary Python
How do I remove name and dtype from pandas output
I have output that looks like this: What must be done to remove both Name and dtype at end of output? Answer Use the .values attribute. Example: You can convert to a list or access each value: