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Tag: pandas

How to add a row based on last user event in pandas?

Imagine I have a dataframe with user events For each user after his last (by timestamp) event I want to add new row with ‘End’ event with the same timestamp as in previous event: I have no idea how to do that. In SQL I would do that with LAG() or LEAD(). But what about pandas? Answer Use DataFrame.drop_duplicates for

Merging pandas columns into a new column

Suppose I have a dataframe as follows how can I merge the two columns into one using pandas? The desired output is output Thank you! Answer Use Series.fillna with DataFrame.pop for replace missing values to another column with drop second column: Or you can back filling missing values with select first column by DataFrame.iloc with [[0]] for one column DataFrame

Add counter as an additional column in Python pandas dataframe

I have following dataframe as an output of my python script. I would like to add another column with count per pmid and add the counter to the first row, keeping the other rows. The dataframe looks like this: df Expected out is: How can I achieve this output? Thanks Answer You can add count for each row with groupby().transform:

How to modify pandas column if value doesnt match requirements?

I am having trouble to format evenly my pandas df. It is filled with dates and prices for Stocks, but the prices are not formatted equally. From the start of 2021, the values have a comma separating the decimal (cents), but from 1998 to 2020, the prices are not seppareted with comma or dot. How can I add a comma
