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Tag: pandas

How can I export all dataframes into an Excel file

I have a notebook open with about 45 dataframes. I would like to export all of them into a single Excel file with each dataframe being it’s own tab in Excel. Is there an easy way to do this without having to write each tab out manually? Thank you! Answer Please check the link Example: Pandas Excel with multiple dataframes

CSV comparison with python multipleindex

I need to compare two CSV files and print out changed, remained same or deleted rows in a third CSV file. First csv file is like this: Second csv file: at the end this is the result i want to get: if a there is a new country added to a siteid then it has status of new. Location can

Rows That Are Included/Contained In a String

I have a “Pandas Data Frame”: There is a bunch of Q&A that explains how to select rows that contain a given substring. But I’m curious about finding how to split rows that are substring of a given string. Unfortunately my datas are huge but suppose we have a column that its entries are single words. For a given sentence

Using Regex to extract Data to different Columns in Pandas

I’m working with the following DataFrame column containing Date |TimeStamp | Name | Message as a string I use the following function to capture the Date. and the following code to capture the rest of the data (TimeStamp | Name | Message) into columns: Is there a workaround to capture and extract all 4 entities together? Please Advise Answer As
