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Tag: pandas-groupby

perform df.loc to groupby df

I’ve a df consisted of person, origin and destination the df: I have grouped by the df with df_grouped = df.groupby([‘O’,’D’]) and match them with another dataframe, taxi. similarly, I group by the taxi with their O and D. Then I merged them after aggregating and counting the PersonID and TaxiID per O-D pair. I did it to see how

How to get all last rows at second level in MultiIndex DataFrame whose second level has variable length

I have this dataframe: And I want to keep all the last second level rows, meaning that: For thread_id==0 I want to keep the row message_id_in_thread==1 For thread_id==1 I want to keep the row message_id_in_thread==2 For thread_id==2 I want to keep the row message_id_in_thread==1 This can easily be achieved by doing df.iterrows(), but I would like to know if there

Pandas groupby collapse 1st rows of group

I have a system that lets me export data in a table of this format: ​ where there are many columns like ‘data’ and they can have any values that don’t necessarily follow a pattern. I need to get the data into this format: I’ve tried reading the documentation on gropuby and searching similar questions, but I can’t find a

Group by Issue with Years Pandas

I’m following the answer for this StackOverflow post to group a column of years by decades to make it easier for me to visualize later, but I’m not getting the same results. It seems like when DSM did it, it yielded integers for years, while mine is yielding floats for years. I’ve implemented: My Results: Picture of Results Answer You
