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Tag: numpy

Python Group Values in a Nested List At Corresponding Indexes

Given a list nested with numpy lists, I want to go through each index in each corresponding list and keep track of the count depending on the element, which would be stored into a single list. The minimum runnable code example below better showcases the problem. I have looked into from collections import defaultdict and from itertools import groupby, but

numpy image float array, to int 0..255 value

I got 3 NumPy data arrays r,g,b represented as a 2D float64 array (720×1024) Essentially per row, each channel is a bunch of floats: What I would like to to do is making it a channel that I can use in cv2.merge((r,g,b)) So that the float64 values per row get multiplied by 255 and something that cv2.merge() accepts. I think

Conditional lambda in pandas returns ValueError

In a df comprised of the columns asset_id, event_start_date, event_end_date, I wish to add a forth column datediff that for each asset_id will capture how many days passed between a end_date and the following start_date for the same asset_id, but in case that following start_date is earlier than the current end_date, I would like to capture the difference between the

Reshape Pandas DatafRames by binary columns value

Can’t figure out how to reshape my DataFrame into new one by several binary columns value. Input: I want to reshape by binary values, i.e. column a/b/c, if their value == 1, I need every time new column with all data. Expected output: Stucked here from the morning, will appreciate help very much ! Answer Use DataFrame.melt with filtering 1

How to change binary value to an array with individual states

I have a question. How can I import value like this: to an array like this: and vice versa? Answer np.binary_repr function turn integers into binary representation string, so you could do: Output: Reverse direction (as requested by @sai): Output: Explanation: I build list with desceding powers of 2 (in this case [8,4,2,1]) using list comprehension then multiply arr (i.e.

How can I take the log of a column in Python using Numpy?

I have the the following df: I would like take logs of the whole column, but when I try: ..I get the following error: AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘log’ How can I fix this? I looked up other threads. They seem to explore causes, but don’t provide solutions. Answer This error means that you have used np as

What does np.fft.fftfreq actually do?

I have a monthly time series and I am taking the discrete fourier transform of it. However I am confused as to how numpy converts the time domain into frequency domain? I am using np.fft.fftfreq and my time array is is 708 indices long and each measurement of the data is computed every month. This is the output frequency using
