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Tag: numpy-slicing

Iterate over inner axes of an array

I want to iterate over some inner dimensions of an array without knowing in advance how many dimensions to iterate over. Furthermore I only know that the last two dimensions should not be iterated over. For example assume the array has dimension 5 and shape (i,j,k,l,m) and I want to iterate over the second and third dimension. In each step

how to use fromiter and ndnumerate together

I’m currently trying to manually implement a function to represent the KNN graph of a set of points as an incidence matrix, and my idea was to take the rows of an affinity matrix(n x n matrix representing the distance between the n points), enumerate and sort them, then return indices for the first K elements the errors I get

Confused on Index Slicing in python

I am slicing my hour column and when I use slice(1, 3) and slice(0, 3) I get the same results. What am i missing? See in the image below. Answer There is a space at the beginning of dataset[“hour”]. So slice(0, 3) is ” 02″ while slice(1, 3) is “02”. This was answered by @Barmar on comment.
