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Tag: nltk

NLTK: Package Errors? punkt and pickle?

Basically, I have no idea why I’m getting this error. Just to have more than an image, here is a similar message in code format. As it is more recent, the answer of this thread has already been mentioned in the message: Answer Perform the following: Then when you receive a window popup, select punkt under the identifier column which

What are `lexpr` and `ApplicationExpression` nltk?

What exactly does lexpr mean and what do the folloring r’/F x.x mean? Also what is Application Expression? Answer See, nltk.sem.logic.Expression is: “””This is the base abstract object for all logical expressions””” There are many types of logical expressions implemented in nltk. See line 1124, the ApplicationExpression is: This class is used to represent two related types of logical

error installing nltk supporting packages :

I have installed the nltk package. Following that I am trying to download the supporting packages using and am getting error: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo My machine / software details are: OS: Windows 8.1 Python: 3.3.4 NLTK Package: 3.0 Below are the commands run in python: It looks like it is going to whereas it should Ideally try to

nltk download url authorization issue

I tried to update my nltk data with but I got HTTP Error 401: Authorization Required. When I traced the url in question, I found it in DEFAULT_URL = ‘’ I then copied that URL and ran it in my browser to find out that it’s asking me for a username and password. Does anyone know how to
