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Tag: nlp

Is it possible to use spacy with already tokenized input?

I have a sentence that has already been tokenized into words. I want to get the part of speech tag for each word in the sentence. When I check the documentation in SpaCy I realized it starts with the raw sentence. I don’t want to do that because in that case, the spacy might end up with a different tokenization.

Resource reuters not found

I’m using windows system, python 3.7 when I install: it has no problem to import, and I also already install nltk in my cmd but when I conduct the code: it has some Error, and I don’t know how to fix it… However, the code works well on my MacBook I’m wondering what’s going on with the windows system p.s

What do spaCy’s part-of-speech and dependency tags mean?

spaCy tags up each of the Tokens in a Document with a part of speech (in two different formats, one stored in the pos and pos_ properties of the Token and the other stored in the tag and tag_ properties) and a syntactic dependency to its .head token (stored in the dep and dep_ properties). Some of these tags are

NLTK: Package Errors? punkt and pickle?

Basically, I have no idea why I’m getting this error. Just to have more than an image, here is a similar message in code format. As it is more recent, the answer of this thread has already been mentioned in the message: Answer Perform the following: Then when you receive a window popup, select punkt under the identifier column which

What are `lexpr` and `ApplicationExpression` nltk?

What exactly does lexpr mean and what do the folloring r’/F x.x mean? Also what is Application Expression? Answer See, nltk.sem.logic.Expression is: “””This is the base abstract object for all logical expressions””” There are many types of logical expressions implemented in nltk. See line 1124, the ApplicationExpression is: This class is used to represent two related types of logical
