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Tag: named-entity-recognition

How to label multi-word entities?

I’m quite new to data analysis (and Python in general), and I’m currently a bit stuck in my project. For my NLP-task I need to create training data, i.e. find specific entities in sentences and label them. I have multiple csv files containing the entities I am trying to find, many of them consisting of multiple words. I have tokenized

Create a NER dictionary from a given text

I have the following variable data[1][‘entities’][0] = (48, 54, ‘Category 1’) stands for (start_offset, end_offset, entity). I want to read each word of data[0] and tag it according to data[1] entities. I am expecting to have as final output, Here, ‘O’ stands for ‘OutOfEntity’, ‘S’ stands for ‘Start’, ‘B’ stands for ‘Between’, and ‘E’ stands for ‘End’ and are unique
