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Tag: multidimensional-array

Putting serial values in a matrix with Python

I have a stream of elements that are coming serially: (x0, y0, val0), (x1, y2, val1), … (xN, yN, valN), etc. x and y are the coordinates directly pointing where the val should be put in a matrix. I tried the following but it does not work (I expected the interpreter will automatically expand the matrix but it does not):

Explain the logic of ‘Count of N-digit numbers with absolute difference of adjacent digits not exceeding K’ in Detail

Can someone please help me understand the logic of following Dynamic Programmming question Found this one at I am unable to understand even after going through the answer provided. Question: Count of N-digit numbers with absolute difference of adjacent digits not exceeding K | Set 2 Given two integers N and K, the task is to find the count
