I have a class that contains another class in a variable. Now I want to write a unit-test and define a mock object. Therefore I define a fixture in conftest.py and monkeypatch it with the mock object. I now get a the desired mock object but the inner object is noch the mock object which I defined. The problem ist
Tag: mocking
TypeError: test_custom_function..() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘_’
Having a Python functions as below: and Run pytest command to receive an error: TypeError: test_GetStudentId..() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘_’ Please help to fix above error. Thanks. Answer When calling input you’re passing no arguments (input()), but you’re telling unittest.mock that it has one (lambda _:). You need to be consistent. Either: Pass one argument when calling it
Mock return value of a function for one case input, otherwise return original value
apps.my_module.py I want to mock my_func in tests.py the mocked function return value for a is name is AA not name is a, but the return value for b and else must stay the same I want to do this using unittest, how to do this? Answer The solution goes as the following: in tests.py
Mock.patch returning MagicMock object causing AssertionError?
I have a function that I am trying to test in querySomething.py: And the test file: I am trying to mock the httpClient.get_request so that it gets the JSON file instead of reaching out to the API. We want to test an unauthorized response and a success response which explains the mock_response function. However, when I run the test, I
How to patch an object instantiated outside of a function to reuse in every test python
I have a module where I instantiate an object outside of my functions, so I can reuse it: I want to patch this client once so that in my tests I can reuse it across multiple tests, like so: The above patch doesn’t work, it runs the tests with the real object instance. How can I correctly patch this in
Mock and patch class method and give its return value to another function
Here are my snippets So I want to test this instantiate_config with pytest. Here is my try: But this gives empty config dict. I don’t know is that possible – to mock Client().get_resources() to give it same value and that value to be passed automatically as argument to add_config_func. If it it not what is the best way to test
How to mock functions with same name, when called twice?
How do I mock a function which has been called twice in the same file, with different parameters? Here is my code snippet: code_file.py code_test.py First mock call to graphql is succeeding. The second graphql call is not getting mocked. It is trying to contact the actual server and receiving 404. How can I mock both graphql client calls? Answer
How to employ a MagicMock spec_set or spec on a method?
I am trying to use a method as a spec_set on a MagicMock. https://stackoverflow.com/a/25323517/11163122 provides a nice example of an unexpected call signature resulting in an Exception. Unfortunately, I can’t get it to work out for a method. How can I get the below code snippet to error out, given the calls don’t match the spec? I am using Python
How do I mock a file open for a specific path in python?
So I know that in my unit test I can mock a context manager open(), i.e.: mocked with but is there a way for me to only mock it for a specific file path? Or maybe some other way to ensure that the context manager gets called with the correct path in a unit test? Answer To mock open only
How to mock an attribute variable that returns a class instance
So I have this class located in folder/layer/base.py which has something like this in it: I need to add unit tests to already existing functions within that class. My problem is, the function load_plugin() returns an instance of a class located in folder/tileindex/base.py. Because of that, it happens multiple times and in multiple different functions that a line looks like