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Tag: machine-learning

How do you read Tensorboard files programmatically?

How can you write a python script to read Tensorboard log files, extracting the loss and accuracy and other numerical data, without launching the GUI tensorboard –logdir=…? Answer You can use TensorBoard’s Python classes or script to extract the data: How can I export data from TensorBoard? If you’d like to export data to visualize elsewhere (e.g. iPython Notebook), that’s

What does the value of ‘leaf’ in the following xgboost model tree diagram means?

I am guessing that it is conditional probability given that the above (tree branch) condition exists. However, I am not clear on it. If you want to read more about the data used or how do we get this diagram then go to : Answer Attribute leaf is the predicted value. In other words, if the evaluation of a

How to use `Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model` in Scikit-learn? (n_components?)

My understanding of “an infinite mixture model with the Dirichlet Process as a prior distribution on the number of clusters” is that the number of clusters is determined by the data as they converge to a certain amount of clusters. This R Implementation decides on the number of clusters in this way. Although, the R implementation uses a Gibbs

tflearn / tensorflow does not learn xor

Following code was written to learn the XOR function, but about half of the time the network does not learn and the loss after each epoch stays the same. Sometimes I get correct results like this: But often this: My 2x2x1 network should be able to perform XOR, and there is even some evidence that suggests that this network should

Compute the gradient of the SVM loss function

I am trying to implement the SVM loss function and its gradient. I found some example projects that implement these two, but I could not figure out how they can use the loss function when computing the gradient. Here is the formula of loss function: What I cannot understand is that how can I use the loss function’s result while

Ordered Logit in Python?

I’m interested in running an ordered logit regression in python (using pandas, numpy, sklearn, or something that ecosystem). But I cannot find any way to do this. Is my google-skill lacking? Or is this not something that’s been implemented in a standard package? Answer Update: Logit and Probit Ordinal regression models are now built in to statsmodels. Examples are
