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Tag: machine-learning

Training on multiple data sets with scikit.mlpregressor

I’m currently training my first neural network on a larger dataset. I have splitted my training data to several .npy binary files, that each contain batches of 20k training samples. I’m loading the data from the npy files, apply some simple pre-processing operations, and then start to train my network by applying the partial_fit method several times in a loop:

Stylegan2-ada tfrecords – ValueError: axes don’t match array, images will work one run and not work the next

I’m working on training a GAN through Google Colab with a dataset of photos I scraped from Wikiart and converted to 1024×1024, but keep getting this error when creating the tfrecords: I set it to print out what files it would stall on, and began taking those out of the data set; but what it stalls on seems completely random.

multi-threading, what is wrong with my code

I was trying to make faster my frames in opencv, it was so slow using it normal, so I decided to ask it here Make faster videocapture opencv the answer was to use multi threading to make it faster, so I code it like this it give me no errors, but compared to my other code that is on the

tf.train.Checkpoint is restoring or not?

I am running tensorflow 2.4 on colab. I tried to save the model using tf.train.Checkpoint() since it includes model subclassing, but after restoration I saw It didn’t restored any weights of my model. Here are few snippets: When I later restored it I didn’t get any gru weights: I also tried checkpoint.restore(manager.latest_checkpoint) but nothing changed. Is there any thing wrong
