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Tag: loss-function

Tensorflow: Issues with determining batch size in custom loss function during model fitting (batch size of “None”)

I’m trying to create a custom loss function, in which I have to slice the tensors multiple times. One example is listed below: This (and the entire loss function) works fine when testing it manually on selfmade Tensors y_true and y_pred, but when using it inside a loss function it will give an error upon model fitting (compiling goes fine).

pytorch custom loss function nn.CrossEntropyLoss

After studying autograd, I tried to make loss function myself. And here are my loss and I compared with torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss here are results values were same. I thought, because those are different functions so grad_fn are different and it won’t cause any problems. But something happened! After 4 epochs, loss values are turned to nan. Contrary to myCEE, with nn.CrossEntropyLoss
