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Tag: logistic-regression

Cannot get L1 ratio in LogisticRegressionCV object

I am trying to fit an elastic net model using LogisticRegressionCV. I want to see what L1 ratio LogisticRegressionCV chooses after cross validation. I read from its documentation that after fitting we can access it by its attribute l1_ratio_. But when I tried this, it failed. The code is: It returns : AttributeError: ‘LogisticRegressionCV’ object has no attribute ‘l1_ratio_’ Sklearn

Interpreting logistic regression feature coefficient values in sklearn

I have fit a logistic regression model to my data. Imagine, I have four features: 1) which condition the participant received, 2) whether the participant had any prior knowledge/background about the phenomenon tested (binary response in post-experimental questionnaire), 3) time spent on the experimental task, and 4) participant age. I am trying to predict whether participants ultimately chose option A

Python and SPSS giving different output for Logistic Regression

Code: Here’s the dataset Result: Now I added the same data in spss.Analyse->Regression->Binary Logistic Regression. I set the corresponding Y -> dependent and XT -> Covariates. The results weren’t even close. Am I missing something in python or SPSS? Python-Sklearn Answer SPSS Logistic regression does not include parameter regularisation in it’s cost function, it just does ‘raw’ logistic regression. In
