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Tag: kivy

Kivy Label is not showing up

So I am a beginner in kivy. I have written a programm that reads sentences from a list and displays them in a Boxlayout as buttons. The Boxlayout is in a Floatlayout, so I can control where the sentences are located. If I click one of the sentences, it splits into buttons for each word. So far so good. Now

why buttons not appear into widget in kivy python

i need to create a simple widget into a function then call the function from the inti function any help for me? why my Buttons doesn’t appear Answer The Buttons are not appearing because you never add them to the App display. Just replace: with:

kivy: Is it possible to have the same Tabbed Panel on different screens?

im wondering if it is possible to have a Tabbed Panel permanently even though im switching between screens? Ive tried having the TabbedPanel outside the mainscreen, on a different class and so on. So far when i switch to the FirstScreen the TabbedPanel disapears. Python: kv: Answer Rather than adding the TabbedTest to each Screen, just make the TabbedTest and

I can’t switch screen in kivy

I followed a tutorial on youtube so I could learn how to use kivy, but when I try to switch screen it doesn’t work, I write my code the exact same way the guy does it, but for some reason nothing happens when I click the button “Se dine produkter”. I have written where I need help in the .kv
