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Tag: keyword-argument

Python Decorator, Wrapper got argument multiple times

I wrote this decorator to be used by two functions: I keep getting the error: How can I pass the argument page recursively without having it multiple times? Thanks! EDIT: functions are called as in: Answer Positional arguments in python must be passed in order of definition in the function prototype. This line passes the value of survey_id to the

AirFlowException – Python_Callable must be callable

I made a small change to an existing workflow, and it has broken airflow. Here is the code: Here is the error I’m receiving: airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: python_callable param must be callable Answer seems like you are passing trigger_report itself as the python_callable. Is this intentional? does it already have a value? (probably, otherwise you would’ve gotten a NameError: name ‘trigger_report’ is
