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Tag: keras

Neural Network Results always the same

Edit: For anyone interested. I made it slight better. I used L2 regularizer=0.0001, I added two more dense layers with 3 and 5 nodes with no activation functions. Added doupout=0.1 for the 2nd and 3rd GRU layers.Reduced batch size to 1000 and also set loss function to mae Important note: I discovered that my TEST dataframe wwas extremely small compared

Implementing a minimal LSTMCell in Keras using RNN and Layer classes

I am trying to implement a simple LSTMCell without the “fancy kwargs” defaultly implemented in the tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell class, following a schematic model like this. It doesn’t really have a direct purpose, I would just like to practice implementing a more complex RNNCell than the one described here in the Examples section. My code is the following: However, when I tried

keras lstm error: expected to see 1 array

so i want to make a lstm network to run on my data but i get this message: ValueError: Error when checking input: expected lstm_1_input to have shape (None, 1) but got array with shape (1, 557) this is my code: Answer You need to change the input_shape value for LSTM layer. Also, x_train must have the following shape. So,

Could not load dynamic library ‘cudart64_101.dll’ on tensorflow CPU-only installation

I just installed the latest version of Tensorflow via pip install tensorflow and whenever I run a program, I get the log message: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ‘cudart64_101.dll’; dlerror: cudart64_101.dll not found Is this bad? How do I fix the error? Answer Tensorflow 2.1+ What’s going on? With the new Tensorflow 2.1 release, the default tensorflow pip

Cannot use vggface-keras in Tensorflow 2.0

I am trying to use the keras-vggface library from to train a CNN. I have installed tensorflow 2.0.0-rc1, keras 2.3.1, cuda 10.1, cudnn 7.6.5 and the driver’s version is 418, the problem is that when i try to use the vggface model, as a convolutional base, i get an error, here is the code and the error Error! I

How to use which supports generators (after fit_generator deprecation)

I have got this deprecation warning while using Model.fit_generator in tensorflow: How can I use instead of Model.fit_generator? Answer Model.fit_generator is deprecated starting from tensorflow 2.1.0 which is currently is in rc1. You can find the documentation for tf-2.1.0-rc1 here: As you can see the first argument of the can take a generator so just pass it

CUDA Error: out of memory – Python process utilizes all GPU memory

Even after rebooting the machine, there is >95% of GPU Memory used by python3 process (system-wide interpreter). Note that memory consumption keeps even if there are no running training scripts, and I’ve never used keras/tensorflow in the system environment, only with venv or in docker container. UPDATED: The last activity was the execution of NN test script with the following
