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Tag: keras

How to make a custom activation function with trainable parameters in Tensorflow [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

How can I see the model as visualized?

I am trying to do some sample code of GAN, here comes the generator. I want to see the visualized model but, this is not the model. Model.summary() is not the function of tensorflow but it is keras?? if so how can I see visualized model?? My function is here. Answer One possible solution (or an idea) is to wrap

Last layer in a RNN – Dense, LSTM, GRU…?

I know you can use different types of layers in an RNN architecture in Keras, depending on the type of problem you have. What I’m referring to is for example layers.SimpleRNN, layers.LSTM or layers.GRU. So let’s say we have (with the functional API in Keras): Where lstm_3 is the last layer. Does it make sense to have it as an

Keras does not load because cannot find TensorFlow

Running Anaconda and installed: Keras = 2.4.3 TensorFlow = 2.4.0 However, when importing Keras – I get “Keras requires TensorFlow 2.2 or higher”. Tried uninstalling/installing – did not help. Any idea? Answer You can use to install an upgraded and compatible TensorFlow version in your system.

tf.train.Checkpoint is restoring or not?

I am running tensorflow 2.4 on colab. I tried to save the model using tf.train.Checkpoint() since it includes model subclassing, but after restoration I saw It didn’t restored any weights of my model. Here are few snippets: When I later restored it I didn’t get any gru weights: I also tried checkpoint.restore(manager.latest_checkpoint) but nothing changed. Is there any thing wrong
