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Tag: jenkins

Run Jenkins Job In Python Using Token

I want to run Jenkins job with the use of tokens. But this piece of code gives 403 error. How to avoid this problem? I will not use username and password, Only token. Is there any way to do this? Code: Answer Refer to this. Jenkins doesnt do authorization. So even after you have generated authorization key you need to

Cannot able to send email from Jenkins using python script

I am having the script to send outlook email through python libaray win32/Automagica . The email have successfully send if i run the script in normal way(using IDE) when i try to run the same script from jenkins ,it throws “Exception: Could not launch Outlook, do you have Microsoft Office installed on Windows?” outlook = Outlook(account_name=accountName) File “”, line 41,

Jenkins not printing output of python script in console

I have a python script( as follows: In jenkins, I have a job with execute shell as follows: Problem: Jenkins console shows only “I can see this message on Jenkins console output”. If there is any output from the subprocess call, it does not print it out on the console. If I putty to Server A and run the same
