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Tag: gzip

node pako.gizp() with python gzip issue

I was restoring the Node pako gzip method using Python and encountered the following problem: node: python: Why do they compress inconsistently? Answer Though there is no guarantee that they will, they are compressing identically. The compressed portions and trailer with checks on the uncompressed data are the last 13 bytes of each, and are the same. Both will decompress

Strange gzip – almost extracted, but not totally correct

Some program sends some info that starts with x1fxe2x80xb9x08x00x00x00x00x00x04x00M… to the server and receives the text response. I need to guess what info is it. In fact, I need the method to convert the real string to that identical gzipped original string to receive responses without that program. After the investigation I’ve found that first I should decode data from

send gzip data without unzipping

I am currently working on a script for RaspberryPi using a SIM module to send data to an FTP server. Problem is, some data are quite large and I formatted them into csv files but still, are a bit large to send through GPRS. By compressing them in gz files it reduces the size by 5 which is great, but

Python decompression relative performance?

TLDR; Of the various compression algorithms available in python gzip, bz2, lzma, etc, which has the best decompression performance? Full discussion: Python 3 has various modules for compressing/decompressing data including gzip, bz2 and lzma. gzip and bz2 additionally have different compression levels you can set. If my goal is to balance file size (/compression ratio) and decompression speed (compression speed

python subprocess with gzip

I am trying to stream data through a subprocess, gzip it and write to a file. The following works. I wonder if it is possible to use python’s native gzip library instead. THE QUESTION: How do I do this instead .. where the gzip package of python is used? I’m mostly curious to know why the following gives me a
