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Tag: google-drive-api

Google Drive API adding some string in file

I have been trying to replace files using google API only with the Python HTTPS module. But when I replace it. It adds some string to the file with text. Code: Text On Google Drive Before Replacing File: Text On Google Drive After Replacing File: Advance Thanks to @DaImTo I’ve just unlocked talk in chat. I don’t mind talking. Answer

Create nested folders with Google Drive API

I need to add a new file in a nested folder on Google Drive using Google Drive api in the form YYYY/MM/DD/HH/mm/file where the dates are dynamically created basing on the current date. For example: I created the following script in Python, but it is creating one single folder (named “2021/06/16/11/30”) instead of the desired nested structure (multiple nested folders

Running .EXE or Perl file on Google Colab

I want to process a set of HDR files with an Executable (e.g., falsecolor2.exe) file on google colab. The source file is here: sample HDR files: The executable takes an HDR file with some arguments and generates a new HDR file. On my local machine and drive, the following code works OK: I am not sure how to

Authorisation Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch – cannot generate needed token files for the ezsheets module

I need to use the ezsheets module which requires the use of both Google Drive and Google Spreadsheets APIs. I enabled them and have managed to gain the required credentials, which I passed in the python project folder. According to Google Spreadsheets documentation, the next step should be gaining the two required token files ( one for each API )

localhost refused to connect in a databricks notebook calling the google api

I read the Google API documentation pages (Drive API, pyDrive) and created a databricks notebook to connect to the Google drive. I used the sample code in the documentation page as follow: The CRED_PATH includes the credential file path in /dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads. The script prompts me the URL to authorize the application but immediately after allowing access it redirects to the

Drive API – Save file ID with Python

I´m triying to use Google Drive API quickstart to save all files ids with Python. I want to save files ids in a txt document This is my code I want to save all files ids,but my program is not working properly only saves the last file id What is happening? Answer Delete from (for items in items:) to (archivo.close())

Getting WebViewLinks with Google Drive

I’ve just started trying to use the Google Drive API. Using the quickstart guide I set up the authentication, I can print a list of my files and I can even make copies. All that works great, however I’m having trouble trying to access data from a file on Drive. In particular, I’m trying to get a WebViewLink, however when
