I’d like to mark an email as read from my python code. I’m using to get access to the account. This part works great. I then get into my desired folder using this Again, this works great. This is where marking it as read seems to not work. I’ve tried the tips and answers from this post Mark email as
Tag: exchangelib
ExchangeImpersonation SOAP header must be present for this type of OAuth token in Python
Recently Microsoft has withdrawn the basic authentication service for accessing the Exchange Service. Therefore I am working on switching the authentication from basic to OAuth based. However, during the testing, I come across the below exception. I went through the suggestions mentioned here https://github.com/ecederstrand/exchangelib/issues/735 for solving but had no luck solving the issues. #Implementation Any suggestion on solving the above
Exchangelib Scan All Folders – Efficiency
I am using exchangelib to connect to my exchange mailbox. Currently the code is scanning through all folders since the target email message can be in any of the folders for my task. Is there a more efficient way for looping/scanning the folders here? (Looking for emails greater than a target start date) Edit: Thanks for the help, Erik. This