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Tag: etl

macros are not recognised in dbt

This is my model in DBT which is configured with pre and post hooks which referance a macro to insert and update the audit table. my macro this is the first time i’m using this macro and I see the following error. Answer Your macro’s definition has too much whitespace in the braces that define the jinja block: Needs to

Calling an inner function in Python

I have this final that combines every function I wrote separately, but I can’t make it work, it actually returns the Success at the end but it actually does nothing nor in my local folders or MongoDB. The function is this one: My goal is that, when I call gw2_etl(), it runs every process inside (log_scrape, store_data and mongo_connect)

How to format query results as CSV?

My goal: Automate the operation of executing a query and output the results into a csv. I have been successful in obtaining the query results using Python (this is my first project ever in Python). I am trying to format these results as a csv but am completely lost. It’s basically just creating 2 massive rows with all the data
