I am following the tutorial on Django Rest Framework – Tutorial 3 Class based views. How to add an url field (pointing to the current snippet) to a serializer? serializers.py urls.py Actual output Desired output Answer You have to use HyperlinkedModelSerializer serializer and HyperlinkedIdentityField field From Django Rest Framework documentation The HyperlinkedModelSerializer class is similar to the ModelSerializer class except
Tag: django-rest-framework
Django rest framework override page_size in ViewSet
I am having problem with django rest framework pagination. I have set pagination in settings like – Below is my viewset. I want to set different page size for this viewset. I have tried setting page_size and Paginate_by class variables but list is paginated according to PAGE_SIZE defined in settings. Any idea where I am wrong ? Answer I fixed
I want my django rest framework serializer to accept input but not add to model
I removed some fields from my model, but I want the serializer to still accept the fields as input. How do I have fields the serializer accepts but doesn’t use? Answer From http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/serializers/ You can add extra fields to a ModelSerializer or override the default fields by declaring fields on the class, just as you would for a Serializer class.
Field name `username` is not valid for model
I am attempting to use rest-auth supplied serialisers to GET (*with headers) user details from the defined endpoint /rest-auth/user/ (*with headers (Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Token 1a5472b2af03fc0e9de31fc0fc6dd81583087523 )) I am getting the following traceback: https://dpaste.de/oYay#L I have defined custom user model (using email rather than username)as such: Settings as follows: Not sure how to go about correcting this error.. so that
Django Rest Framework Database Error Exception Handling
Is there any way to have Django Rest Framework automatically respond with HTTP_400_STATUS’s when there are database exceptions? (IntegrityError and so on) Example: I have a model with a unique username field and I’m trying to use a generic rest_framework.ListCreateAPIView. HTTP_400_STATUS’s are normally thrown automatically if serializer validation fails but this is actually valid input, just not valid in the
Django rest framework serializing many to many field
How do I serialize a many-to-many field into list of something, and return them through rest framework? In my example below, I try to return the post together with a list of tags associated with it. models.py serializers.py views.py Answer You will need a TagSerializer, whose class Meta has model = Tag. After TagSerializer is created, modify the PostSerializer with
Overriding Django-Rest-Framework serializer is_valid method
I have a quick question about overriding is_valid. Self is a rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer. I’m trying to figure out if there is a better way to modify internal data than reading/writing to the data._kwargs property. I know I can get the data pre-validation via a self.get_initial() call. But I’d also like to be able to write data. The purpose here is to
When are create and update called in djangorestframework serializer?
I’m currently implementing djangorestframework for my app RESTful API. After playing around with it, I still do not clearly understand what .create(self, validated_data) and .update(self, validated_data) used for in the serializer. As I understand, CRUD only calls the 4 main methods in viewsets.ModelViewSet: create(), retrive(), update(), and destroy(). I also have already tried to debug and print out stuff to
How to display all model fields with ModelSerializer?
models.py: serializers.py: So, here I want to use all fields. But I have an error: Field name producer_id is not valid for model Car. How to fix that? Thanks! Answer According to the Django REST Framework’s Documentation on ModelSerializers: By default, all the model fields on the class will be mapped to a corresponding serializer fields. This is different than
How to run tests django rest framework tests?
I’m learning django rest framework. I wrote a simple test like this: my api returns empty json array for that request. What i don’t know is, how do i run this test? when i use this command: i get as output. It’s not written in documentation to how to run the tests. Answer I believe your test methods need to