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Tag: django-channels

Protocol error, got “H” as reply type byte

I am trying to use django channels for the first time and i am following the tutorial in the documentation. But when I use python runserver and try to connect i get this error. Here is the whole console(I’m using anaconda): On the frontend js return this error Here is the whole “pip freeze” list if it he Here

Trouble getting started with Django Channels

I am creating my own application inspired from the Channels 2.0 tutorial. However, I am unable to establish WebSocket connection. Daphne complains for 404 saying the websocket URL can not be found. I am not sure where the error is. UPDATE: My Daphne is running behind an nginx server. The nginx config is updated as well: My directory structure is

Django channels: No module named ‘asgiref.sync’

I am following this guide for channels tutorial ( and after adding channels to top of INSTALLED APPS, adding ASGI_APPLICATION = ‘mysite.routing.application’ to my setting file and creating following I am getting this error after running python runserver: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘asgiref.sync’ I have following versions of libraries: Can someone help me ? I am new to
