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How can I NOT save an image in PIL?

I have seen only way to save all the images in PIL but i dont want to save them all. I’m making a discord bot to send the meme with the user profile picture in space. Using Visual Studio Code Any way i just save a pile of useless images in my laptop? i tried removing the save line as

How to iterate over a range and then append items from list to it?

Right now the for loop that adds reactions at the end of the message takes number_of_responses, which is what I want. But I would also like the e.add_field fields be added based on number_of_responses (along with the right emoji in the name field and then add items from the list answers to their values). Answer No need to loop over

Have a search command on

would like to know if it’s possible to add a search command to my discord bot, I will basically use the command to find files inside a directory. For example there is a file named name.txt, and I could do /search nam and it would search for this file and output the name of similar files in the directory. Answer
