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Command raised an exception: AttributeError: ‘Context’ object has no attribute ‘id’

I want to delete the Guild ID in a JSON file with an Command. This is my code: This is the Error Message: discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: AttributeError: ‘Context’ object has no attribute ‘id’ How can i fix this? Answer The first parameter in each command is ctx or context the represents discord.ext.commands.Context object, which as you can see,

changing the embed’s footer

i have this code that would change an embed’s footer and resend it to the log channel, but now it doesn’t work anymore for somereason this is the code: and this is the error i get: Answer The argument for set_footer is keyword-only:

( change discord avatar with someone’s avatar url

I’m trying to change my bot’s avatar with the avatar url of someone in my server. The code isn’t working. Any help? Answer The other answer says you have to have a bytes-like object, which is true. Adding onto it though: you can retrieve the image as a bytes-like object with requests like: img = requests.get(url).content which you can then

Discord wait_for() how to add multiple responses from the author?

Currently my discord bot responds to one message. !add 12345 bot responds “Do you wish to add this item? y/n user writes y or n (currently only works with 1 response if user writes y (bot responds “it was added”), if user writes n (bot responds “it was not added”) How would I go about adding the “n” response? Here

How to make this command work with all users

guys my command only working for my bot, can someone help me? to explain better: *fake @mybot blabla (works) *fake @SrWonka blabla (dotn work) Code: Soucebin: Answer Changed made: The way you were getting your user is not the optimal way I used Typing.union you can see the docs below. display_name it will show the nickname if there if not
