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Tag: dependency-injection

Trouble with injecting Callable

I’m using python-dependency-injector. I tried this code and it worked perfectly: that page also mentioned next: Callable provider handles an injection of the dependencies the same way like a Factory provider. So I went and wrote this code: And it — as you might expect — didn’t work. I received this error: Answer I ran into this problem too

How to do dependency injection python-way?

I’ve been reading a lot about python-way lately so my question is How to do dependency injection python-way? I am talking about usual scenarios when, for example, service A needs access to UserService for authorization checks. Answer It all depends on the situation. For example, if you use dependency injection for testing purposes — so you can easily mock out

Python Dependency Injection Framework

Is there a framework equivalent to Guice ( for Python? Answer I haven’t used it, but the Spring Python framework is based on Spring and implements Inversion of Control. There also appears to be a Guice in Python project: snake-guice
