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Tag: datepicker

KivyMD DatePicker save multiple dates

I want that you can add and choose multiple dates. I tried to send a number with the button click button_nr but I don’t know how I can pass it to the on_save function, so that I can change the self.ids.date_label(button_nr).text . If somebody has a better idea how to save multiple dates I’m open for suggestions. Thank you The

Add a date picker to an already existing html form with Django

I have this template that i use for my Django app : I want to add a date picker (actually two of them) in the specified location in the code, the dates would then be sent as a variable when user click on submit form. I tried following the walkthrough tutorial for django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus but it just doesn’t fit right for

Kivy MDDatePicker – TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘callback’ This code is coming from the official presentation page so it may be a Github issue to raise ? The widget is under testing. Therefore, we would be grateful if you would let us know about the bugs found. TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘callback’ Answer The MDDatePicker does not work with kivymd-0.104.1. You must install kivymd-0.104.2.dev0
