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Tag: dataframe

Pandas: groupby followed by aggregate – unexpected behaviour when joining strings

Having a pandas data frame containing two columns of type str: which is created as follows: df = pd.DataFrame({“group”:[1,2,2,1],”sc”:[“A”,”B”,”C”,”D”],”wc”:[“word1”, “word2”, “word3″,”word4”]}) When grouping by group and joining the individual columns, I can use: However, when specifying a single column (wc) to perform this operation on: which appears to be a join on the column names. But why is it handled

Combinations of all dataframe columns in python

I have three data frames that have the same index (Countries). I need to find all the combinations of the three data frames, create new columns with the data frames. Under each of those columns I will have the multiplication of the values from those combinations. I tried to use the MultiIndex.from_product but the results is only for the titles:

Handling duplicate values in pandas

I have a dataframe ,that looks like this i don’t want to drop the duplicate items, but i want to change the Active columns value based on Site column,for example Active has to change inactive based on duplicate item in site column,Inactive also have to change based on number of duplicate items present,last duplicate item has to Active, other than

Reshape Pandas DatafRames by binary columns value

Can’t figure out how to reshape my DataFrame into new one by several binary columns value. Input: I want to reshape by binary values, i.e. column a/b/c, if their value == 1, I need every time new column with all data. Expected output: Stucked here from the morning, will appreciate help very much ! Answer Use DataFrame.melt with filtering 1
