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Tag: databricks

How to write data to Delta Lake from Kubernetes

Our organisation runs Databricks on Azure that is used by data scientists & analysts primarily for Notebooks in order to do ad-hoc analysis and exploration. We also run Kubernetes clusters for non spark-requiring ETL workflows. We would like to use Delta Lakes as our storage layer where both Databricks and Kubernetes are able to read and write as first class

How to use Selenium in Databricks and accessing and moving downloaded files to mounted storage and keep Chrome and ChromeDriver versions in sync?

I’ve seen a couple of posts on using Selenium in Databricks using %shto install Chrome Drivers and Chrome. This works fine for me, but I had a lot of trouble when I needed to download a file. The file would download, but I could not find it in the filesystem in databricks. Even if I changed the download path when

Importing count() data for use within bokeh

I am trying to create a visualisation using the bokeh package which I have imported into the Databricks environment. I have transformed the data from a raw data frame into something resembling the following (albeit much larger): From there, I wish to create a line graph using the bokeh package to show the number of papers released per month (for

Filter out specific errors from Flake8 results

We are writing notebooks in databricks. When we put them to git we want to run flake8 on them to check for new problems in the code. As databricks has some predefined variables those are undefined in the code itself. Is it possible to filter our errors like: While keeping errors like I am aware of the –ignore parameter, but

localhost refused to connect in a databricks notebook calling the google api

I read the Google API documentation pages (Drive API, pyDrive) and created a databricks notebook to connect to the Google drive. I used the sample code in the documentation page as follow: The CRED_PATH includes the credential file path in /dbfs/FileStore/shared_uploads. The script prompts me the URL to authorize the application but immediately after allowing access it redirects to the
