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Tag: dask

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dask-cudf (from versions: none)

Describe the bug When I am trying to import dask_cudf I get the following ERROR: I have dask and RAPIDS installed with pip when I search for: pip install dask_cudf original site is not exists anymore: google stored site history: I am trying to install it with the following code in the Google Colab Window %pip install dask-cudf

Dask concatenate 2 dataframes into 1 single dataframe

Objective To merge df_labelled file with a portion of labelled points to df where contains all the point. What I have tried Referring to Simple way to Dask concatenate (horizontal, axis=1, columns), I tried the code below But I get the error ValueError: Not all divisions are known, can’t align partitions. Please use set_index to set the index. Another thing

Writing dask bag to DB using custom function

I’m running a function on dask bag to dump data into NoSQL DB like: Now when I look at the dask task graph, after each partition completes the write_to_db function, it is being shown as memory instead ofreleased. My Questions: How to tell dask that there is no return value and hence mark memory as released? For example in the

Load oracle Dataframe in dask dataframe

I used to work with pandas and cx_Oracle until now. But I haver to switch to dask now due to RAM limitations. I tried to do it similar to how I used cx_oracle with pandas. But I receive an AttributeError named: Any ideas if its just a problem with the package? Answer Please read the dask doc on SQL: you
