I’m new in Dagster and try to create success hook that will send alerts through a telegram bot. Need help, please Resource: Hook: Job: Error: dagster._check.CheckError: Member of set mismatches type. Expected <class ‘dagster._core.definitions.hook_definition.HookDefinition’>. Got <function success_hook at 0x00000284AC2BB250> of type <class ‘function’>. UPDATE: Job: Hook: New Error: TypeError: telegram_resource..TelegramConnection.send_message() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given Stack Trace:
Tag: dagster
Is it possible to transform one asset into another asset using ops in dagster?
From what I found here, it is possible to use ops and graphs to generate assets. However, I would like to use an asset as an input for an op. I am exploring it for a following use case: I fetch a list of country metadata from an external API and store it in my resource: I use this asset