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Tag: coinbase-api

python coinbase pro sandbox authentication request error

Trying to use the example python from the coinbase pro api to do an authenticated request… it doesn’t work going to the sandbox. I get the following error. Isn’t there a simple request example that works on the web somewhere? Here is what I get back…. 200 Traceback (most recent call last): File “/Users/rockie12_us/PythonScriptsDeanO/SandBoxClientTest/”, line 46, in jprint(r.json()) File “/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/”,

Historical ethereum prices – Coinbase API

Using the python coinbase API– The functions– get_buy_price, get_sell_price, get_spot_price, get_historical_data, etc… all seem to return bitcoin prices only. Is there a way of querying Ethereum prices? It would seem that currency_pair = ‘BTC-USD’ could be changed to something akin to currency_pair = ‘ETH-USD’ although this has no effect. I would expect that the API simply doesn’t support this, except
