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Tag: c++

How can I parse an object in a python c-extention?

I have in Python an object such as: And I want to read it in c in the How can I access the members inside a pyObject for custom python data structures? How can I do the opposite thing, assign values to an object that will later be called inside python? edit: As suggested by kpie, using the function PyObject_GetAttrString

What’s the mathematical reason behind Python choosing to round integer division toward negative infinity?

I know Python // rounds towards negative infinity and in C++ / is truncating, rounding towards 0. And here’s what I know so far: But why Python // choose to round towards negative infinity? I didn’t find any resources explain that, but only find and hear people say vaguely: “for mathematics reasons”. For example, in Why is -1/2 evaluated to

How to set python function as callback for c++ using pybind11?

It is from SDK which I can call the client from dynamic library in c++ codes. I want to port it to python bindings use pybind11. How do I set_callback in python? I have seen the doc and try: The code just failed to compile. My question, how do I convert the py::function to ftype_callback or there is other way

undefined symbol: _PyThreadState_Current when using pybind wrapped C++ code

When I’m running bazel test … the cpp code will compile, but Python gets stuck. I read these before I wrote this question, but I can not find any solution: undefined symbol: _PyThreadState_Current when importing tensorflow OS: Linux 5.11.0-43-generic #47~20.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 13 11:06:56 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Python: Python 3.8.10 g++: g++ (Ubuntu

Is there any data validation nuget library like python’s voluptuous in C#? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question For data validation, Python coders frequently will use this library called

Installing wxPython on Windows: DistutilsPlatformError: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.2 or greater is required

I have installed: Python 3.10.1 PyCharm Community 2021.3 Visual Studio Build Tools 2022, including: C++ Build Tools Core Features C++ 2022 Redistributable Update C++ core desktop features MSVC v143 – VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (Latest) Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.0) C++ CMake tools for Windows Testing tools core features – Build Tools C++ AddressSanitizer C++/CLI support for v143 build

Inter process communication from python to cpp program

Suppose there are 3 files: f1.cpp,, f3.cpp. I am running the command on linux terminal as follows: The output of f1 goes perfectly into the input of f2. Also, f2’s output goes perfectly into f3. I am displaying the output in f3. f1 generates input for f2 after a particular interval. In this interval, I need to enter a

sqrt() c++ and math.sqrt() python

i am new at python and i had this precision problem with python which i did not have before with c++, the code is for python the result is for c++ the result is this can make crashes Answer Different programming languages may behave differently when it comes to float arithmetics. It may come to optimisations, internal implementations of functions
