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Tag: bert-language-model

Load a model as DPRQuestionEncoder in HuggingFace

I would like to load the BERT’s weights (or whatever transformer) into a DPRQuestionEncoder architecture, such that I can use the HuggingFace save_pretrained method and plug the saved model into the RAG architecture to do end-to-end fine-tuning. But I got the following error I am using the last version of Transformers. Answer As already mentioned in the comments, DPRQuestionEncoder does

Hugging Face: NameError: name ‘sentences’ is not defined

I am following this tutorial here: – though, I am coming across an error, and I think the tutorial is missing an import, but i do not know which. These are my current imports: Current code: The error: Answer The error states that you do not have a variable called sentences in the scope. I believe the tutorial presumes

How do I interpret my BERT output from Huggingface Transformers for Sequence Classification and tensorflow?

Short TL;DR: I am using BERT for a sequence classification task and don’t understand the output I get. This is my first post, so please bear with me: I am using bert for a sequence classification task with 3 labels. To do this, I am using huggingface transformers with tensorflow, more specifically the TFBertForSequenceClassification class with the bert-base-german-cased model (yes,

BERT DataLoader: Difference between shuffle=True vs Sampler?

I trained a DistilBERT model with DistilBertForTokenClassification on ConLL data fro predicting NER. Training seem to have completed with no problems but I have 2 problems during evaluation phase. I’m getting negative loss value During training, I used shuffle=True for DataLoader. But during evaluation, when I do shuffle=True for DataLoader, I get very poor metric results(f_1, accuracy, recall etc). But

Removing SEP token in Bert for text classification

Given a sentiment classification dataset, I want to fine-tune Bert. As you know that BERT created to predict the next sentence given the current sentence. Thus, to make the network aware of this, they inserted a [CLS] token in the beginning of the first sentence then they add [SEP] token to separate the first from the second sentence and finally
