Can someone help me modify this script so that it also scraps the URL associated with each job. The purpose would be when browsing the .csv file in a spreadsheet I can click on the link if I would like to know more information about the job. Thank you in advance. Answer You can use one of this BTW: You
Tag: beautifulsoup
Delete unwanted elements of python webscraping loop results
I’m currently trying to extract text and labels (Topics) from a webpage with the following code : No code problem, but here is an extract of what I’ve obtained with the previous code : As I’m looking for a “clean” text result I tried to add the following code line in my loops in order to only obtain text :
Python Beautiful Soup html.parser returns none
I have a feeling the information is somewhere on stack overflow, but I can’t find it :-/ I’m looking to get the text from this website: but my code returns ‘None.’ All help is super appreciated! returns Thanks!! Answer There is no html in the site. You can just print r.content directly (however, I prefer r.text as it is
Beautiful Soup and requests problem it doesn’t show any text output
I am using beautiful soup and requests to print full text of the article of this wedsite This is my code: My code run without any error but it does’t show any text in output plz help me find my error Answer What happens? You try to find_all() div tags with two classes that do not exists, so match
BeautifulSoup choosing a line from output
I try to make a python script that gets the dam occupancy rates from a website. Here is the code: The output is like this: Genel Doluluk Oranı means occupancy rate. I need the value of occupancy rate which writes in next line like 29,48. How can I get this value from output? Answer Cause question and expected result is
Struggling with BeautifulSoup and tags
I hate to trouble anyone with this, but I’ve been on this issue for days. Basically, I want to scrape the Psychological Torture Methods from this web page: This is the exact information I would like to acquire: Ego-Fragmentation Learned Helplessness Chinese water torture Welcome parade (torture) And below is my code: I’m sure there is an easy fix
Attempting to web scrape. Downloaded html code is slightly different from code on live site
I’m new to web scraping and I’m trying to build a very basic stock tracker for the site When visiting the product pages of items on the live site, the add to cart button displays as: When the item is out of stock the button is: But whenever I try to scrape the site, regardless of whether the item
Can’t get tags when scraping data
I am trying to scrape all tr tags using BeautifulSoup, but it returns none. Code: Even though there are tr tags in this url, it returns none and throws an IndexError. Why is this happening? Answer In page source table is located inside comment. You need to extract comment content and then parse it as HTML:
Get text inside a span html beautifulSoup
I have this structure: and I want to get only the $39, but when I do this code: It returns me: How can I get only the part I want? Answer Interesting question will get you so will get you $39
Getting no data when scraping a table
I am trying to scrape historical data from a table in coinmarketcap. However, the code that I run gives back “no data.” I thought it would be fairly easy, but not sure what I am missing. Output: Answer You don’t need to scrape the data, you can get request it: Output: