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Tag: arrays

numpy image float array, to int 0..255 value

I got 3 NumPy data arrays r,g,b represented as a 2D float64 array (720×1024) Essentially per row, each channel is a bunch of floats: What I would like to to do is making it a channel that I can use in cv2.merge((r,g,b)) So that the float64 values per row get multiplied by 255 and something that cv2.merge() accepts. I think

How to change binary value to an array with individual states

I have a question. How can I import value like this: to an array like this: and vice versa? Answer np.binary_repr function turn integers into binary representation string, so you could do: Output: Reverse direction (as requested by @sai): Output: Explanation: I build list with desceding powers of 2 (in this case [8,4,2,1]) using list comprehension then multiply arr (i.e.

Minimize the maximum difference

I’m trying to solve this Problem from GFG with following approach: But i’m unable to pass the testcases: I’m unable to figure out fault in my logic or code. Could some suggest corrections or better approach? Answer I’m unable to figure out fault in my logic or code. As per your current logic, you decide to add or subtract k
