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Tag: apache-zeppelin

NotImplementedError when calling pandas_profiling.ProfileReport.to_widgets() inside Apache Zeppelin

I’m trying to use the pandas_profiling package to automagically describe some data frames from inside Apaceh Zeppelin. The code I’m running is: My result is: Any way to work around this? Any hope of working around it from inside Zeppelin? Answer The NotImplementedError is being raised from check_dataframe: check_dataframe uses multimethod for enabling multiple argument dispatching to functions, which

pyspark matplotlib integration with Zeppelin

I’m trying to draw histogram using pyspark in Zeppelin notebook. Here is what I have tried so far, This code run without no errors but this does not give the expected plot. So I googled and found this documantation, According to this, I tried to enable angular flag as follows, But now I’m getting an error called No module named
