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SQLite fetch until

I have a question about SQL.

I have the following sample table called Records:

record_id subject start_timestamp end_timestamp interval
2 Start Product 2 2021-04-21T16:22:39 2021-04-21T16:23:40 0.97
3 error 1 2021-04-21T16:25:44 2021-04-21T16:25:54 10.0
4 End Product 2 2021-04-21T16:30:13 2021-04-21T16:30:14 0.97
5 Start Product 1 2021-04-21T16:35:13 2021-04-21T16:35:13 0.6
6 End Product 1 2021-04-21T16:36:13 2021-04-21T16:36:13 0.45

First I select all the items that have start in there subject with and are not in the table BackupTO (for now the table BackupTO is not important):


When I ran this we get:

record_id start_timestamp interval
2 2021-04-21T16:22:39 0.97
5 2021-04-21T16:35:13 0.6

Oke, all good now comes my question, I fetch this in Python and loop through the data, first I calculate the product number based on the interval with:


So a interval of 0.97 is product 2, and a interval of 0.6,0.45 is product 1, all great!

So I know record_id 2 is product 2 and I want to execute a sql query thats returns all items starting from record_id 2 untils its find a items that has %end%2 in its name (the 2 is for product 2, could also be product 1). For example its finds Start Product 2 I get a list with record_id 3 and 4. I want to get all items from the start until end. So it gets me a list like this, this are all the items found under Start Product 2 until %end%2 was found. For product 1, it just would return just record_id 6, because there is nothing between the start and stop.

record_id start_timestamp interval
3 2021-04-21T16:22:39 10.0
4 2021-04-21T16:35:13 0.97

enter image description here

I tried OFFSET and FETCH, but I couldnt get it to work, somebody that could help me out here?



Use your query as a CTE and join it to the table Records.
Then with MIN() window function find the record_id up to which you want the rows returned:


Change ? to 2 or 5 for each case.

If you have the record_ids returned by your query, it is simpler:


See the demo.

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