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Split data frame in python based on one parameter shape

I have a data frame which is like the following :

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import warnings

df_input = pd.read_csv('combine_input.csv', delimiter=',')
df_output = pd.read_csv('combine_output.csv', delimiter=',')


In this data frame, there are many repeated rows for example the first row is repeated more than 1000 times, and so on for the other rows

when I plot the time distribution I got that figure which shows that the frequency of the time parameter

df_input.plot(y='time',kind = 'hist',figsize=(10,10))

Time distribution

My question is how can I take the data only in the following red rectangular for example at time = 0.006 and frequency = 0.75 1e6 ( check the following pic )

Red rectangular



Note: InPlace of target you have to write time as your column name Is time,or change column name to target

def calRows(df,x,y):
#df For consideration
df1 = pd.DataFrame([<=x])
minCount = len(df1)
targets =
for i in targets:
    count = int(df1[ == i].count())
    if minCount > count:
        minCount = count

if minCount > y:
    minCount = int(y)
return minCount

You have To pass your data frame, x-intercept of the graph, y-intercept of graph to calRows(df,x,y) function which will return the number of rows to take for each target.

rows = CalRows(df,6,75)

takeFeatures(df,rows,x) function will take dataframe, rows (result of first function), x-intercept of graph and will return you the final dataframe.

def takeFeatures(df,rows,x):
finalDf = pd.DataFrame(columns = df.columns)
df1 = df[<=x]
targets =

for i in targets:
    targeti = df1[]
    sample = targeti.sample(rows)
    finalDf = pd.concat([finalDf,sample])

return finalDf

Calling takeFeature() Function

final = takeFeatures(df,rows,6)

Your Final DataFrame will have the Values ThatYou expected in Graph And After Plotting this final dataframe you will get like this graph enter image description here
