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Shorter way to make colliderect in if statement work?

I have two objects:

enemigo=pygame.transform.scale(enemigo, (100, 100))
enemigo_rectangulo=enemigo.get_rect(center=(1000, 100))

enemigo2=pygame.transform.scale(enemigo2, (140, 140))
enemigo_rectangulo2=enemigo2.get_rect(center=(1400, 50))

And I want to make an if statement if they collide with a third object. This code actually works but is too long:

if personaje_rectangulo.colliderect(enemigo_rectangulo) or personaje_rectangulo.colliderect(enemigo_rectangulo2):

And there’s an error when I try to write:

if personaje_rectangulo.colliderect(enemigo_rectangulo, enemigo_rectangulo2):

So, what is wrong? Is there a shorter way to write it?



The first thing you can do is use shorter variable names, such as personaje and enemigo.

Additionally, break the statement into smaller pieces by using variables:

hit_enemy1 = personaje_rectangulo.colliderect(enemigo_rectangulo)
hit_enemy2 = personaje_rectangulo.colliderect(enemigo_rectangulo2)

if hit_enemy1 or hit_enemy2:

Alternatively, if you store all of the enemies in a list, you can use any():

if any(personaje_rectangulo.colliderect(enemigo_rectangulo) for enemigo_rectangulo in todos_enemigos):

Now this is also getting long so creating a function to help can shorten the line of code:

def collision(person, enemy):
    return person.colliderect(enemy)

if any(collision(person, enemy) in todos_enemigos):

Another solution is to create a Enemy class which encapsulates the data and behavior of an enemy. This is a bit more advanced, but definitely a good exercise to learn what classes are and how to use them.
